Episode 3 - Forgotten Doesn't Mean Forsaken | Sermon Series | Jeff Struecker Ministries

Oct 10, 2024    Jeff Struecker

In this sermon, Jeff Struecker walks us through Genesis 40, highlighting the powerful truth that being forgotten by others does not mean being forsaken by God. As Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker while in prison, we learn about God’s faithfulness even in the most forgotten places.

Joseph’s life teaches us that although people may overlook or forget us, God never does. His timing and plan are always at work, even when we feel abandoned. Jeff reminds us that God remains faithful, and His promises are true, even when we face difficult circumstances or long seasons of waiting.

No matter how long the season of waiting may be, God’s faithfulness endures. Join us as we learn from Joseph's story how to trust in God’s timing, knowing that we are never forsaken.

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