Why injustice is your fight

Norman Shabel tackles injustice through the written word today. After over 55 years in the courtroom, he knows what injustice looks like. I think there’s a lesson we can all learn from Norman’s continued fight against injustice.
This octogenarian should be bouncing grandchildren on his knees and enjoying the rewards of years of public service. But rather than taking it easy in his remaining years, he’s still in the fight against injustice. Today, he uses a different tactic- novels and plays.
Norman has left a legacy of fighting injustice. During my Unbeatable podcast interview, he described what it was like growing up on the streets of Brooklyn, NY. He described the tough times he endured to become a criminal prosecutor. He also talked about some of those pivotal cases that impacted many lives.
I’m convinced that all people are responsible to God and one another to continue the fight against injustice, and here are my top three reasons why you should be in this fight.

You're part of the same human race

We are all part of the same race of people. When one person in your family suffers, everyone around you is supposed to feel the effects. Therefore, when one person in the human race is being systematically marginalized, it is an insult to all people of the human race.
People have many noticeable differences from one another. However, there are many more noticeable similarities than differences between groups within the same species. That's why you should first view yourself as part of the broader race we call humanity. When you look at yourself through this lens, you will see the self-defeating nature of injustice.

The rights you prize can be taken away

It is a healthy reminder that any of us can lose the rights we hold dearly tomorrow if we’re unwilling to stand up and defend them. Any attack on one group of people can easily spill into an attack on another group of people.
In the past, I have strongly advocated for people who don't look like me and don't share my beliefs. My reasoning was simple... I recognized that if they lose their fundamental right to practice what they believe or express themselves, I can quickly lose my rights.
Norman's work in the courtroom helped secure the rights of individuals and groups. After retiring from practicing law, he transitioned to working in a broader context by writing novels and plays about injustice in our society.

We must all hang together, or we will certainly all hang separately

Benjamin Franklin famously made this quote when the founding fathers declared their independence from Great Britain. He recognized the essential necessity of unity in a body of people. Norman acknowledges this exact necessity as he continues his crusade against injustice.
You tacitly permit injustice if you are not in the fight against it. All of us, whether we are personally marginalized or not, must be involved in the fight.
I challenge you to look around your community and see where people are being discriminated against or marginalized. It's time for you to stand up and speak out. If not, what prevents others from discriminating or marginalizing you in the future?

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